Members - Sayo Usui

Sayo Usui

I was raised in a group facility (called “Jido-Yogoshisetsu”) during the three years of high school. Before then I was not so good at talking to anyone about my feelings and thoughts, but I learned to truly accept and love myself while I engaged with many adults including psychologists and staff at the facility. So I am fortunate to find what makes me really happy and excited to do – now I am studying English and International Relations in university while preparing for graduation and finding a job. The staff at the facility are still in contact and are always welcoming and accepting me. Knowing that there is a place for me to feel safe and assured, I can be brave and take on any challenge that comes my way. I am always grateful to my facility and the staff for significantly changing my life for better. I hope to better understand about foster care system through the work with IFCA.