Members - f


I lived in a child protection facility from the age of 11 to 18. Although life at the facility was not always easy especially with personal relationships, I was surrounded by many good people and the environment and had many enjoyable and valuable experiences.

After graduating from the facility, I went to a university which had emphasis in international relations because of my strong interest in international cooperation.
During my studies, I was also interested in child welfare based on my own experience. I participated in a 7-month internship program at a children's home in a poor area in the Philippines.

When I heard "children in institutions or facilities cannot do anything," I felt very frustrated and said to myself, "that is not true!” I took my frustration as a springboard to take on many challenges. Many children in foster care are in an environment where they have to give up on their dreams for various reasons. I strongly argue that “We are not like that. We can try anything!” I want to convey this message through IFCA's activities. I would also like to deepen my knowledge of faster care around the world. My journey of learning and pursuing continues!